Language Coaching Qualifications, accredited and certified, for 21st Century Language Educators.
Get FREE access to the Introduction to Neurolanguage Coaching E-Course and learn how you could transform the language learning process...
Language Coaching Qualifications, accredited and certified, for 21st Century Language Educators...
Get FREE access to the Introduction to Neurolanguage Coaching E-Course and find out how you could transform the language learning process...
Neurolanguage Coaching: Brain Friendly Language Learning that brings Coaching and Neuroscientific principles into the learning environment, transforming language learning results for language educators and their learners worldwide.
We're the first accredited Language Coaching certification in the world. Accredited by the International Coaching Federation
Be part of transforming language education today!

Neurolanguage Course is accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

Neurolanguage Coaching course activity accredited by The CPD Standards Office.
What is Neurolanguage Coaching®?
Neurolanguage Coaching® incorporates the latest findings in neuroscience as well as principles and tools from coaching into the traditional process of language teaching. Through neuroscience, we know that no two brains are the same, so Neurolanguage Coaching® is tailor-made learning to clients´ needs, without books, but with clear and structured targets to achieve in defined periods of time.
This method and approach create the perfect learning conditions for the brain leading to faster, more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective results. Our Language Coaches are the FIRST in the WORLD to be certified as INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED LANGUAGE COACHES (accredited by the ICF – International Coach Federation).
”Neurolanguage Coaching® is the efficient and fast transfer of language knowledge and skills from the Language Coach to the Language Coachee with sustainable effects facilitated by brain-based coaching and coaching principles and neuroscience”.
21st Century learners are different. We’ve all changed. Adults, teenagers, children. We are actually learning in a totally different way. We have seen learners who are very frustrated, who are embarrassed and are almost afraid to speak another language. Neurolanguage Coaching is about bringing coaching, science and neuroscience into the language learning process.
It is about having coaches located worldwide who have trained to understand how the brain learns functions, how the brain learns, how we associate and connect those languages, and how embarrassment and fear can actually shut the brain down.

I highly recommend the course

Back on track!

Feedback NLC with Daniela

Inspiring and mind-blowing, well worth the money!

Incredible experience, knowledge that shift mindset

New vision

A total game-changer!

Un antes y un después en mi manera de enseñar

Fantastic Course – engaged from start to finish

From teacher to coach, or how Neurolanguage Coaching changed my perspective

The best decision for my career

Teaching Reinvented: A Game-Changer Approach

Cuando la neurociencia y el coaching cambian tu forma de enseñar

An Exceptional Learning Experience in Neurolanguage Coaching!

A humanistic and person -centered approach

The best Language Coaching course offered

It opened up new horizons for me

Very happy I’ve decided to enroll

Highly recommended course

Gained lots of insights and tools! would definitely recommend.

My experience with the Neurolanguage certification course was truly exceptional.

A Transformative and Practical Course in a Welcoming Atmosphere: Neurolanguage Coaching® with Rachel Marie Paling

Transform your Professional Life

Transformative Journey

After the NLC course I have come to realize that each of us is different – as an individual and as a student; each of us has a different learning style, different interests, preferences, and different needs. I appreciate now it is not my learning process, but my coachees’, and I can see that the fact that it is their process makes them feel more motivated, responsible, and more involved in achieving their goals.

A brilliant introduction to neuro language coaching!

Switching from an English teacher to Neurolanguage coach

A blessing

A journey of professional and personal growth

My course results

From Frustrated Language Teacher to Certified Coach: Thanks to ELC!

Calma y aprendizaje profundo con Blanca Gallego

My experience of taking the course

Transformative Insights from Neurolanguage Coaching

English Language Teacher to English Language Coach

Gone are the days of overwhelming study sessions

10 out of 10

Neurolanguage Course: Transforming Language Teaching Through Neuroscience and Personalized Learning

Empowering Language Teaching: A Transformative Journey with Neurolanguage Coaching

Neurolanguage coaching® has helped me turn a job into a passion!

Make triple the quality of my teaching

Great course

English Teacher from Serbia,

I really recommend the course for all who want to change their mindset

Great Job

NL Coaching is the future of education

Very professional, interactive and informative course for educators.

Reshaping the way we learning

Neurocoach and Education = perfect match!

New opportunities for personal and professional growth

An enriching experience

What if I told you that the Neurolanguage coaching course can change your life?

A new personalized and science-based approach of the learning process

Learning happens when we are happy and engaged

You won’t regret it!

Learning – a brain friendly, fascinating and enjoyable journey

Great experience!

Change is possible, when you understand how your brain works and what it needs!

Enlightening and Empowering!

Neurolanguage coaching course

It’s what I’d always been looking for

Understand your students better!

Digging deeper into NLC

Learning by doing.


A Life Changing Course

Great training and immense added value

The way to mastery lies through Neurolanguage course

Effective methodology to transfer knowledge of foreign languages.

Professional development that changes personal life

Advanced NLC Course_ Mind blowing.

This course has changed my life

Approfondir ses connaissances et enrichir sa pratique

A Truly Transformational Experience on Teaching and Learning Languages

Wonderful Course

Six weeks of unforgettable experience

It all came together with the Neurolanguage Coaching Certification Course

A fantastic course for professional development as language teacher

Beyond my expectations!

Un cours inspirant et complet
Join an amazing, supportive and vibrant worldwide community of Neurolanguage Coaches
With over 1500 coaches in more than 75 countries, you will have access to help, support and guidance that makes this community unique in the language education industry.

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Watch the "What is Neurolanguage Coaching?" Webinar
with Rachel Paling
Learn about Neurolanguage Coaching® and how it transforms Language Teaching
Explore Neuroscience and Coaching Principles and how can they make language learning more effective
Discover how the Perfect Learning State is key to fast and sustainable progress and how can it be achieved and maintained
Watch the "What is Neurolanguage Coaching?" Webinar
with Rachel Paling
Learn about Neurolanguage Coaching® and how it transforms Language Teaching
Explore Neuroscience and Coaching Principles and how can they make language learning more effective
Discover how the Perfect Learning State is key to fast and sustainable progress and how can it be achieved and maintained

Get a copy of Rachel Paling's books
Want to learn more about Neurolanguage Coaching and Language Coaching?
Get Rachel’s books and expand your knowledge!
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